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We automate HR processes

Merging compensation and benefits knowledge with modern technology, we build bespoke solutions for the processes in your company

HR areas we support:

Pay gap

Pay gap

Pay gap monitoring, calculations, and reporting in accordance with the EU directive.

Salary review

Salary review

Comprehensive handling of the salary review process - from recommendations, budgeting and internal consistency monitoring, through performance evaluations and communication.

People Analytics

People Analytics

Statements and reports dashboards with data integration from multiple sources.

MBO and performance

MBO and performance

Performance management and strategic goals cascading to different levels of employees.



Personnel cost analysis.

Long-term incentives (LTIs)

Long-term incentives (LTIs)

Long-term incentive plans management - vesting tracking, billing based on performance metrics and cycles, pay out calculations accroding to the form (cash, shares, stocks, options etc.).

SPM and variable compensation

SPM and variable compensation

Commission wages calculations based on parameters.

Market data and pay scales analysis

Market data and pay scales analysis

Calibration of payment grids based on market data.

Total Rewards Statements

Total Rewards Statements

Total Rewards Statements preparations based on various data sources.

5-step process automation in HR



Preliminary analysis of needs and challenges.



In-depth review of current processes on-site or online.


Solution proposal

Presentation of the solutions tailored to the specifics of the company and planning for the proceeding actions.



Automation implementation and integration with other systems.


Support and further development

Evaluating performance, improving processes in line with company strategy, and charting a path for further improvements.

HR automation in practice

LTI software implementation at E.ON

Business type
Hours saved per year

Why automate processes in the HR department?

Data always up to date

One central system integrates and constantly updates your data - no more dozens of different versions of Excels

You'll never send wrong files to the wrong person

The right data automatically goes to the right manager

HR Automation.png

Wykresy ukazjące różnice w płacach mężczyzn i kobiet

Always safe

Each user has access only to the data to which he is authorized

Efficient process management

You no longer have to merge Excels, you know where a particular application or file is stuck, or where bottlenecks tend to occur

Accurate planning and budgeting

Easy budget oversight with centralized information storage to support effective planning and goal achievement

History of changes always at hand

Easily track who changed what and when

Increase employee satisfaction

Freed from tedious tasks, employees are more likely to stay with your team for longer

Wykresy ukazjące różnice w płacach mężczyzn i kobiet

Why our solutions?

C&B consultant participates in each project

Solutions tailored to the local specificity of HR processes

Easy data integration with HRM/HRIS systems

Data access control

All HR processes in one tool

Opportunity to develop your own processes

Relieve the workload of overworked HR resources

Various language versions

Why GGS?


100% project success rate


In-depth knowledge of HR and C&B processes from a business perspective


Understanding and knowledge of multiple technologies


Service in your time-zone


Dedicated project teams


We understand the specifics of different markets


What's the cost?

Every project is different, so each deserves a personalized approach. Our team will help you choose the most cost-effective option. In the past, we have always been able to optimize budgets for our clients so that consulting and implementations pay for themselves in a relatively short period of time.

We have also observed that the costs of no change in the long run far outweigh the costs of automation. Consider, for example, the cost of new HR staff, costly errors generated in spreadsheets, or the risk of sensitive data leaks and the associated potential cost of lawsuits.

Contact us and we can walk you through potential options for your company during a brief conversation.

How long does it take?

Every project is different, and it all depends on the size of the company, the scale, as well as the complexity of the project and the choice of services. Typically, we implement most projects within one to several months.

Write what processes you want to automate and we will quickly assess how long the implementation would take for your company.

Our processes are unique, will you be able to help us?

The tools, applications, or systems we implement are highly configurable. Tell us about your processes - difficult challenges are our specialty!

When can we start?

Consulting in comp&ben process automation can begin at any time. We are able to start working with you on completely new implementations, as well as re-implementations or optimizations of current processes. We will also adapt to your calendar to make sure that the project supports, rather than hinders, your payroll review or budget planning. Contact us and tell us about your needs.


Lets work togetherBartek PodolskiCEO
+48 667 052 084

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